sitting, waiting and wishing

Monday, June 20, 2011

diet! The truth.

dah lama x ckp pasal diet kan. hehe..i wasnt open in the beginning pon ekceli..xde org yg tau nape aku start diet, what was my starting weight etc. now maybe is the time for the ugly truths. sejak azali mmg aku type yg besar. ingat lg kecik2 lu kat tadika lg aku dah mm besar dr org lain...sapai la sek rendah, menengah. thin, was never in my dictionary. and i never bothered. cos i've always been healthy. tink am quite on the fit side, no problems to be active in sports etc. in fac, i a quite a sports person. b.m.i2 ni mmg x penah heran la...sampaila by the time abes belajar, start keja aku ingat lg weight tu was 86kg. berat kan? but that wasnt the max. tp time checkup ke ape, x penah plak doktor soh turunkan..pelik2.masuk keja, memula turun 4kg in a month, tekeut ngan new environment kot. and since then, over the last 5years, its been going up and down. tp recent 2years, mmg byk up kot. dgn habit suka makan, love for sweets,suka jalan2 cr makan, aktiviti ngan friends mesti pasal makan, lack of exercise..then tambah teruk dgn stress and depression, sedar2 jek by end of last year i've gone past 90kg. to be exact, ( deep breaths~!) 95kg!! bera giler kan? tho og maybe tak sangka sbb aku tinggi, abt 169cm. but still kalau kira bmi, i was 32.9 - dah masuk range obese tu! ngeri bile tgk biggest loser asia, takut if one day jadi mc org2 tu. and at that time, aku nye self esteem pon agak low. mcm2 pk. aku x pena rasa mc tu, but time tu aku start relate benda ni ngan aku nye social life etc. maybe it does contribute to why guys are not interesed. pathetic, but well men in general do hv that certain favouritisme, right. it will all come down that one person who wud take me for what i am,  but the process may have been less difficult had i been a more ' fit' person. well, u know what i mean. and then there was the big family wedding in feb i decided i need to loose some kgs. so i stated, firs with debella. some diet drinks that supply extra lecithin and fibre for the body..kononnye benda tu help to loose weight easier. and the same time, aku start cut down on sugar, kurgkan nasik, minum air byk giler etc. first month mmg smgt gila.lost 5kgs in 6weeks. owh btw aku star end of feb ye. Lps tu stop amek debella, konon nak diet sendiri, tp agak slow. pantang gula dah let go sket...sekali sekala still mkn sweet deserts. pastu mid april dah start sports, so mkn kurang sgt kang cam xde energy lak..dlm masa 6weeks start april sampai mid may, x measure sgt weight but time wat med.checkup mid may tu i weigh at 87kg. pastu die dok staignant je x turun2, sbb x kontrol sgt pon, pagi2 siap bekpes n:lemak kdg2. tp aku happy time; so i didnt care. sampai la recently masuk bulan 6, aku byk stress and down, honestly mcm purposely nak menyakitkan diri..lost appetite for a week sedar2 bila measure last friday, tinggal 84kg. aku tatau la tang mane yg turun, sori aku sgt malas nak measure inches..maybe ade gak faktor makan hati yg buat aku x makan then loose kg mendadak, but still better drpd aku stress pastu makan x stop kan? bila aku sabishii@Sunyi mmg ade habit mogok makan pon; so ni la effect nye..lg senang susut. so skang 83.5kg(bmi 29!) still overweight, ikutkan kena dpt 72-73kg x logik kan?mau xleh pakai sUme baju kalu gitu..but thats what the bmi says kalau nak bmi25 for my height. so lg abt 10kg laa nak buang..which seriously Xtau bp lama masa nak aku sgt teringin nak tgk sama ada aku leh ke tak..for now at least targer nak turun jadik 80kg july. sebelum puasa leh start dgn 7* nye weight.

9:42 AM

3 friends sharing their thots


farah...sungguh lama aku tak jenguk sini sejak aku confinement pastu sibuk ngan setup Shaklee Onlineshop aku..

Btw, nothing is impossible..

meh aku citer hal berat aku lak sebagai motivasi utk ko..

B4 preggy, berat aku 63kg n akhir preggy naik sampai 87kg..amik ko..pas bersalin turun 6kg je to 81kg..sejak tu slowly berat turun sampai la amni dah 3 bulan ni 71kg..ade 8kg utk balik ke berat ideal aku..

FYI, lepas sebulan bersalin berat aku staignant 77kg tak bergerak2..sebulan lepas tu baru turun balik secara berhemah la..

nway, sepanjang preggy aku just amalkan shaklee (vit je)+protein+lecithin..skang sgt teruja dgn lecithin sbb turun 2 kg dalam sebulan..makan dahla sesuka hati..hehehe..

So rakan diet ku, bile pose lagi senang nak diet..terutama bila ko amik protein..kalo nak try, raya aku target turun ke berat asal..

By Blogger tUtyRAhiZa, at June 20, 2011 at 5:18 PM  

tuty: aku nye case, happy hormone aku selalu buat aku makan dgn gembiraya..yela bila happy2 lepak ngan gang, makan is salah satu xtvt yg paling best hehe..senag ilang fokus pd diet lak haha. Pastu bila x bp happy lak aku akan jadik malas nak makan..2-3 hari x makan pon x rase bagus sbb senang susut tp aku takut gak if ade effect ape2.

Skrg cam dah stable balik, aku nak turn that emotion into positive energy. Gang lepak makan malam suda kurang so i might as well diet terus x mkn malam kan. Time aku stress, mmg dia jd domino effect: down - x makan - lagik down. Tp kalau mood ok, no hal jek kot...
Kalau ade advise utk ape produk yg bagus kalau aku nak maintain healthy bfast-normal lunch(nasi n lauk)+light dinner(buah, roti hi fibre) sgt2la kalau bleh xnak spend duit sgt laa..:p

By Blogger fhana, at June 20, 2011 at 7:22 PM  

Stress memang antara punca berat badan naik..Tapi tang ko ni, terbalik la pulak..

Nway, diet yg bagus bile ko berjaya disiplin kan diri dalam pemakananan..Maknyanya still makan macam biasa tapi pilih mana yang elok untuk badan..Sekali sekala makan yg high kolestrol takpe tapi kalo ari2 tu, pikir la akibatnya kan sebab kita kuruskan badan bukan setakat untuk kecantikan luaran tapi untuk jaga kecantikan organ dalaman juga..

Sian kat organ kalo kena keje lebih..Macam kita yang tak suka kalau over workload kan..

Gunakan mindset sebab tu mmg akan mempengaruhi emosi ko masa pemilihan makanan..

Letak fizikal target..Contoh:Beli la jeans yang 2 size smaller pastu gantung..

Nway, tuk Shaklee aku recommend amik 4 produk..1stly, kena buang toksin dalam badan dulu secara berhemah..kalo berminat, ko email la yea..

By Blogger Unknown, at June 21, 2011 at 10:49 AM  

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